Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hey Bandwagon, I'm Molly. Can I get a lift?

Many of you know, I've tried blogging before. I say "many", but I should say none, or just one (my mom), or maybe all- since my mom may be my only audience for this blog. I was so proud of myself for starting a blog, my first since my middle school foray into xanga. (To catch you up on that colossal failure see here: ).

As predicted, it appears that my mom, my aunt, and my best friend were my only readers for that project. Also as predicted, I wrote a whopping total of 6 posts before forgetting about it and chasing a new whim. I'm not proud of my inattentiveness to minor projects, but impressed with myself for being able to call it on my first post.

Another summer adventure calls for another blog. This time, I have the time and the mind to blog leading up to my big trip. In a little over a month I will be heading to Beijing to sing opera. This week I'm going to start the process of applying for a VISA, learning music in MANDARIN, and getting some DENTAL WORK. All three things on my weekly list are incredibly intimidating, some more than others. (Little Shop of Horrors really ruined dentists for me. However,  mine is kind of a hottie so maybe he will resurrect my passion for dental hygiene).

So there you have it: I've started a blog and I'm about to have nightmares of Steve Martin in scrubs.


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