Thursday, February 28, 2013

No one should judge me for my consumption of Hot Pockets

 I love when people give me flowers (maybe that's the true reason I want to perform*). I love getting gifts. I love my students. So, pretty much when my boss gets me flowers and my students give me gifts you'd think I'd feel appreciated... right? Not wrong, but it ain't right either.

After today's concert (which was amazing, btwubs- if you haven't watched this yet, stop reading a watch!) members of my choir came up to me with their parents with a few armfuls of Walmart bags.

Student: "Ms. H- we wanted to get you something, so we pooled our money together and got you these."

 ...As I open three bags full of Hot Pockets**...

Me: "Thanks guys- that is really thoughtful of you."

Student: "We knew you'd like it. My mom said it was weird, but I told her that you would say not to judge other people for their personal choices, as we are all members of the choir community and are supposed to support each other."

...As my jaw hangs open and I think I might cry...

Parent: I didn't say it was weird that she likes Hot Pockets. I said it was weird for you guys to buy her a bunch of Hot Pockets. Nobody could possibly eat that many Hot Pockets.

Me: "Actually, I totally will. I really love Hot Pockets." (cue my spiel on the many merits of HP's)

Parent: "Ok, that's a little weird."

I also got flowers from the principal, several homemade cards, and a Starbucks gift card with $8.04 on it. Kids are so weird!!!****

In other news, I have started receiving grad school offers- and I'm not done with all the auditions yet. It seems pretty promising, but I'm sure I'll find a way to biff it all up! I have another one this weekend- thinks good thoughts for me as I drive into the longest state, the state responsible for thick accents, Graceland, Dolly Parton and wearing too much orange. Make way, Rocky Top!

*It's not the true reason I perform. It is an added benefit, for sure. But I am in no way subjecting myself to a life of constant struggle and rejection so that I can get a few stems at the end of the night.

**How did they know I love Hot Pockets?***

*** It's not like I eat a HP every day for lunch during their class, giving them a play by play of the best flavors/styles. It's not like I sing the HP jingle every other time I take a bite. It's not like I taught them to sing the HP jingle in a 3 part harmony just for feces and laughter... Okay, maybe I actually, probably might have/definitely done all of those things. I can't help it that it is the most cost efficient, easily handled, most diverse frozen lunch option!

****And don't give me any of that non-judgement, choral community crap. I say it all the time, but on my own personal blog I have to admit that I teach some strange little children.

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