I love reading the "missed connections" on craigslist. It is one stop on the long track of diversions I use to keep myself from doing real work. (Along with #myfriendsaremarried, suri's burn book, and the bloggess)* I stop by and read posts by all of the pseudo-stalkers about the women they think they might be in love with that they saw a year and a half ago at a gas station... it cracks me up. These people are seriously crazy, and I like knowing I'm not the only one.
Usually I read a couple mc's and then continue on with my day, but today was different than all the rest. Today I found my own pseudo-stalker. Today some crazy wrote a missed connection about me. (Why can't I lead a normal life? Because then you would have nothing to read about, that's why).
If you read it you know they can literally only be talking about me. Diet coke, cookie dough and lean pockets? For heavens sake, those are the three staples of my well balanced diet!
I just got back from a lovely evening with the KinderGuru and my Work Wife. They shared their sordid dating tales of late, and I shared the above. Strangely enough, they have decided I should respond. What if I meet the love of my life from this craigslist post?*** What if we tell our grandchildren the story of how he contacted me and the world wide web helped us find one another?**** What if he kidnaps me and chops me into a million little pieces and serves me as a stew in a local soup kitchen?*****
In other news, I had my eyebrows threaded today. DON'T DO IT, it hurts worse than getting a tattoo. Eyebrows and a craigslist stalker- so yeah, that about sums up my week.
*Truth be told I started writing this blog post an hour ago. I went to look at the list of websites I like to look at when I'm avoiding things and then all of the sudden an hour has gone by and I remembered that I had an actual thing to do. The internet is like one giant oubliette of information.**
**That makes sense in my head, but it probably doesn't in yours. Good thing this is my blog. So there.
***That's not going to happen.
****That's definitely not going to happen.
*****That could probably happen.
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