Before you get too involved with the post, please consider how similar these two pictures are:
It's no secret that Maude and Sister don't get along very well. One of them consistently calls the other mean names while the other habitually urinates on the former's carpet. (See if you can figure out which is which...) I love them both, and usually try to stay out of whatever feud it is that they have had running for the past two years.*
Yesterday was a banner day for the two of them. Maude somehow broke free of her kennel, broke out of her diaper**, broke into Sister's room and defecated*** throughout. Sister was a little angry and told me she was going to "kill my dog", a threat I've heard before and never taken to heart. I told her she should be impressed that my severely handicapped dog was so handicapable.
Some hours later, Katie sends me a text warning me not to park in the driveway. When I ask her why, she sent a very disturbing text:
(Warning. This photo has been blurred to protect you from the gruesome image that appeared on my phone screen).
Holy smokes, my sister actually killed my dog! I knew she was mildly passive aggressive, but this was just downright cruel! Just yesterday I had seen Maude in the same position and found her pathetic and adorable:
To make what could be an episode of Judge Judy short- the animal in our driveway was a rabbit. And it was dead when she got there. Sister has once again evaded the iron hammer of the law by doing nothing wrong. If you could zoom in on the picture that I blurred, you would see a large pair of rabbit ears, just like I saw when I zoomed in on the text. But you can't zoom in, because I don't want to put a picture of blood and guts on my blog. That stuff is yucky, and this isn't that type of blog.
Some of you may ask why I just spent a whole twenty minutes typing a story about how I thought for a split second that my sister killed my dog. Why is this worth your time? Why did you bother reading to the end? I'll tell you: Think what a good story it is now that she didn't actually die. You just had all of the joy of reading a story of sibling rivalry, revenge, and animal cruelty- but nothing bad actually happened at the end so you don't have to feel sad. Louisa May Alcott wishes she had written this story!
*I know what the feud is over. I'm pretty sure it is about me. They both want to be the center of my attention and for me to take constant care of them. Yea, that's probably it.
**Because my dog is not only blind and deaf, but she wears a diaper. Only yesterday she didn't.
***Somebody should give me an award for using the medical term instead of something juvenile. I could have used any number of words****, but I chose to stay above bathroom humor.
****Words I could have used instead of "defecated", were I less mature: feces, stool, poop, doo doo, turd, mud cake, dookie, dump, deuce, load, butt mud... but I didn't use any of those. Yay me.
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